Im 33 turning 34. I’m wondering if im not the only one noticing signs of aging. Im wondering myself if you guys are noticing stuff as well.

For me, im noticing some popping around my knees. Might be the rubber part of my knees starting to get worn out(i used to be a heavy staircase climber on my way to school during my studying phase)

Im always tired now even if I have 7-10 hours of sleep.

  1. I didn’t start feeling old until my mid-40s. But when Father Time caught up with me, he decided that it was time to wail on my ass.

  2. I’m 30 and I’m unable to loose weight the way I used to do back in my mid 20s

  3. I feel better than I did 10 years ago in a lot of ways (mainly due to weight loss), but I have found that I get tired far earlier in the day now, and generally prefer to be in bed by about 7 and asleep by 10. I can’t say it’s been a bad change, as I’m not longer up until 5am and also until 2 in the afternoon anymore. 

    Basically I just don’t have as much energy as I used to, but the intensity of that energy has remained the same, if that makes sense.

  4. The hairline is going. I had to start physical therapy recently for tendinitis. I can’t just snap my fingers and drop 10 pounds like I used to. The hangovers happen so much easier and hit way harder

  5. The tiredness is killer. I cannot sleep in no matter what, and I always have my energy crash by the afternoon so I’m a zombie for half the day.

  6. Its not normal to always feel tired at your age. Time to go visit a GP and find out the cause.

  7. Age 35, bending over to pick stuff up became just a wee bit harder.

    Age 45, it became a second wee bit harder. I see you, Father Time, sneaking up alongside me.

  8. If you’re tired despite sleeping then get tested for sleep apnea. I didn’t know that thin people get it too. I wear a special mouthguard now and sleep is great.

  9. I’m not superman anymore. when I was 21, I could drink a bottle of vodka with my friends and go to work thr next day and work a 10hr day..5 days a week… these days., I get tired easier and I could never drink like I used to. that was borderline alcohol poisoning. my beat up body can’t handle that shit anymore.

  10. Around 47, where my goals in the gym started being betrayed by body limits aka injury started to rear up :/

  11. Hairline is entering another dimension. Tired before day’s end. Vision gets blurry in the dark. Finally find time to play a video game, get tired after 20 min. Can’t eat as much. Getting up every night at 3am to pee.

    Oh and I was sitting on a chair minding my own business when my lower back muscles decided to sprain itself for no reason.

  12. Yup.

    I’m 31.

    It’s subtle, but I’m stiffer than I used to be, slower thinking, more tired, etc.

  13. Has anyone told OP about toilet bowls and aging, or do we let him find that one out for himself?

    note though, I was fitter at 45 than most 20 years olds and fitter than I had ever been in my life (took up judo at 40)

  14. I honestly felt about the same at 40 as I did at 25, but that might be in part that I was out of shape in my late 20s and didn’t start really taking care of myself until 30.

    But I hit a really hard wall in a lot of different ways at 43 that has been a huge roadblock for me, and I’m now 46. At this point, I’m struggling badly to just get back on track, but it’s much, much harder than it was a few years ago.

  15. I’m 45, feel pretty much the same as when I was 25. I do notice my mile time is slower by about 20 seconds than when I was 25 though.

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