What’s your favorite drink?

  1. Depends on the time of year and my mood. Goes between an old fashioned, a hot toddy, and a gin and tonic normally.

  2. Either Moscow Mule varieties, or what my friends and I dub the “Fire Crotch” (we were stupid in college, and it seemed funny at the time).

    Fire crotch is simply cinnamon whisky (we used fireball, but there are better options) and Dr. Pepper at a ratio of 1 part whiskey to 3 parts Dr. Pepper (but it’s flexible depending on how much booze you want). Best when cold. Dr. Pepper already has a complex flavor profile. The taste of the alcohol is almost completely lost leaving only the cinnamon flavor that just enhances the flavor of the Dr. Pepper. I have yet to find anyone I’ve introduced it to who didn’t immediately turn to me and say it was dangerous because of how good it is and that you can’t even tell there’s alcohol in it.

  3. Root beer. Try Abita root beer, it’s my favorite. I heard mixing root beer with Jägermeister is good too, though I’m not old enough to drink

  4. * Soft Drink- Diet Coke or Water
    * Wine- Takara Japanese Plum Wine
    * Beer- Shiner Bock
    * Vodka- Stolichnaya (with Vodka, fancy stuff tastes the same as cheap stuff to me)
    * Whiskey- Tin Cup
    * Bourbon- Bulleit
    * Irish Whiskey- Jameson
    * Single Malt Scotch- The Glenlivet 18
    * Blended Scotch- Johnnie Walker Gold
    * Mixed Drink- Crown Royal in Cream Soda (if you’ve never had it, fix that immediately. It’s grand)
    * Frozen Cocktail- Pina Colada (preferably while listening to Jimmy Buffet)
    * Cocktail- Long Island Iced Tea

  5. Soda: Mexican Coke with lime

    Non-carbonated: Chicha Morana

    Carbonated water: Topo Chico

    Tea: early grey or lapsang

    Coffee: natural process Ethiopian roast with a French press

    Water: Tap. Fuck bottled water.

  6. Non alcoholic favorite is probably orange juice or mountain dew, I love citrus. Alcoholic, whiskey sours all day

  7. Pint of Magnet, but it’s hard to find these days even living just down’t road from the brewery. John Smith’s bitter is crap in comparison.

  8. The black stuff .
    So beautiful it’s dangerous and has destroyed many an Irish man.
    But only in Ireland as it’s a completely different drink when off the island .

  9. Right now it’s Bud Light Platinum Seltzer Pinapple 25oz can. I buy 2 of them and technically I tell her I’m only drinking 2 beers a night, but it’s hits like 6. Marriage loophole boys.

  10. Body Armor’s pineapple coconut. It’s so damn good after mowing the yard or golfing.

    But a coors light with some lemonade is pretty great too.

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