I met a girl almost a year ago and we would occasionally run into each other but nothing more than a hi. About two months ago my friend introduced me to her and she eventually reached out to me on instagram. I gave her my number and we texted daily. Our first date was at a park and it went great. I am not a talker and we spent 5 hours in conversation. Over the course of 6 weeks we went out a total of 3 times. Both of us are busy, but I tried to make myself available and even told her I would cancel other things to make time for us.

I know she had other obligations, but even when she did have time, she either felt bad or someone else needed something from her and she felt that she had to go help out. I was patient and didn’t really push the matter. It kind of made me worried after 6 weeks and living less than 5 miles away from each other that we had only seen each other 3 times.

I did develop feelings for her and told her. I didn’t say I loved her, just that I was really happy we met and that I thought she was different from other girls. She shied away from it (this was after 4 weeks of texting daily and a few good dates .)

I messaged her and the lack of physical time spent together came up. I tried to tell her I understood she was busy with other things and I think it just upset her. She eventually called it off a few days later. I asked if we could talk about it in person or through FaceTime and she said she was too busy to do that.

One of her friends, told a mutual friend of ours, that she saw her at the bar a few nights ago sharing screenshots of our texts. Even though it’s over, I feel like it is courtesy to not share that stuff publicly. She has shared things with me that I wouldn’t put out to the public. I’m a pretty private person.

I am really at a loss for why this happened. If I had known that I did something wrong I would have apologized and not done it again. The thing that hurts the most is that she knows we had conversations that included me telling her how I felt that are now general knowledge to her friends. I also don’t know if any of them were taken out of context and how they will think of me in the future.

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