I f46 was assaulted by a local meth 33M head/ bipolar squatter that is 2 doors away from me. He had started a fire,we live in New Mexico. The only other interaction I have had with this person is this winter he jumped in front of my truck in nothing but a blanket it was -12. He said he was overdosing and needed an ambulance so I called one. That told me to take him to the local clinic ( we are very rural) which I did .
We live in town with one road, pastures and lot of abandoned placesost of the people here are 70-85 ranchers. My boyfriend and I do not live together but we live directly across the street from each other . Maybe 200 ft between us .

On Sunday I woke early and was thinking how beautiful and quiet everything was. At 630 I got on my truck to go feed my horses 3 miles down the road. I could see smoke coming from tweakers building put truck in reverse and try to alert my boyfriend as cell service wasn't working. He was dead asleep and I thought no big deal, just going to go feed my horses. Drive back down road, more smoke ,more fire uncontained . And tweakers covered in ash throwing fire across the street at the wooden apartment building. I carry a fire extinguisher in my truck so I calmly got out called him by his name and said hey you don't need this fire right now,I am going to put it out. I got one squirt on the fire and this 6'5 tweaker come at me with a bat. I am female 5'6 130 on a good day.
I emptied the fire extinguisher in his face as he was swinging and coming at me. I was backing up towards my truck to try and get away and he came on the passenger side and swung the bat into my windshield with my dog in the front seat.
I got in my truck and retreated to my house. Texted boyfriend 44M ,said I had been attacked and cops were coming. Our response time can sometimes be upwards of an hour because we are so rule and such a large area. He immediately went into lecture mode never once asked if I was okay did not walk across the street to see if I was okay. When the cop showed up he could tell how shaken I was and as he was taking my statement tweaker showed back up screaming threatening me and then ran from the cops and got tased in my neighbor's driveway. My boyfriend still never once checked on me. Among many other things he basically did not talk to me this entire week I had to go fill out restraining orders and talk to victim at advocates all week I also had to go tell my neighbors that I had a restraining order. The state trooper is actually the one who showed up at court the next morning and sat with me while I filled out my paperwork. I have PTSD and I think even if you didn't having somebody deranged and a foot taller than you, at you as a baseball bat would be traumatic for anybody.In addition they are releasing him with ankle monitor Last night my boyfriend came over it is now Friday the incident was Sunday and said that he was sorry and that he needed to do a better job of being in touch with my emotions. I said this has nothing to do with emotions this has to do with being a man It's not even being a man I would have stepped in for any one of my neighbors and checked on them and asked if they just needed me to stand next to them. I told him he had no concept of what I had dealt with this week by myself. He said I want to support you now. I sad a little fucking latI am incredibly hurt, astounded, and I am hoping that some buddy can explain to me what would cause somebody to actually like this. We have been together for 2 and 1/2 years and we're friends and neighbors for a year prior to that. Also want to mention that the person that assaulted me has nine assault with deadly weapon charges in Texas and five assault on a family member with bodily harm. So this guy is no joke and I am scared and he has never once offered to spend the night or do anything to try to make me feel safe.My noyfr is also 6'3 200 and was a defensive lineman in college. So the tweaker wants to kill me and my boyfriend seems heartless .
Stellar week so far

1 comment
  1. There are numerous options as to he acted like this, from “he just doesn’t care” to “he was scared and didn’t want to admit it” to “he’s just incredibly unempathetic and emotionally stunted”. Regardless of the reason I guess the question is – do you want to be with someone you can’t rely on when things get difficult?

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