As the title says, my husband (42m) insisted on getting a snake that I (40f) was totally against. I grew up in the city and am terrified of snakes. Even after stating all of this, my husband said "snakes make him happy" and that he doesn't stop me from purchasing things that I like to do (girls trips, concerts, etc) so why could I deprive him of this happiness.

Not even 24 hours of getting the damn thing it escaped its enclosure and now we can't find it. I don't feel comfortable sleeping in my own home and I'm beyond angry. He still hasn't even apologized. Just made a comment last night about how he was looking forward to this so much and that now he is sad because he lost it.

So just a word of advice to all partners out there thinking about getting a snake – DO NOT DO IT. Almost 1k later for supplies and the stupid snake that is now loose somewhere in my house. I honestly do not know if I'm going to get over this.

Anyone have any tips for trying to find a snake lost in the house? We have an unfinished basement with open ceilings so there is no containing this thing. It pretty much can go anywhere in the house.

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