TL;DR – I joined a new friend group a few months ago and they are all introverted. They rarely text me and sometimes take a while to respond or don't respond at all. I just want to make sure they still value me as a friend as I feel like an outsider sometimes, due to always initiating conversations and their lack of contact.

Back in January I joined a new friend group as my old one was toxic and didn't like me. Thankfully this group of introverted girls took me in and we've been friends ever since. Keep in mind there are 4 of us and I am the only boy in case that has to do with any of my problems. Now I am a very extroverted person when it comes to socialising. I love texting people and wanting to hang out a lot. You know, the extrovert things we love to do.

Anyways I never really had actually introverted friends before so this is all still very new to me even 6 months later. They don't really initiate conversations that much, and sometimes they don't even reply to my texts sometimes even after days. But they will for the most part text back pretty quick and they know how to keep a conversation going.

The main problem I'm having is I just wanna make sure I'm not an outsider, because some of the times I do feel like an outsider since I am the one having to contact all of them and start these conversations. I know introverts love their alone time and I do respect it but, as an extrovert who is not used to it, I would love a peace of mind just to make sure I'm not going crazy and telling myself these people hate me.

Any sort of help/ maybe a comment if something they do sounds similar to what you do would be greatly appreciated. And once again thank you!

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