and do you ever regret it?

  1. A close mutual friend told me I intimidated her. Didn’t even talk to her about it despite having 2 wonderful dates, I just lost all nerve

  2. While she was sending all the right signals and putting in a lot of effort, her past and overall reputation did me in. I knew she was in love, but I also knew that she displayed little to no regard for a man’s well-being in the past, even towards guys deemed “close” to her. She just wasn’t trustworthy.

    Amazing girl outside of that, almost perfect. Still I felt like I had no choice. I do regret it simply because I’ll never know if I did her wrong by distrusting her. All my friends who knew her and interacted with her kept telling me I did the right thing and made the most of it, also low-key admiring the restraint it took to make that call and stick with it. I’m still not convinced though. The more experienced I got, the more I realized just how deep her feelings for me were. But would that have been enough? Not knowing is my biggest regret and the only thing I sometimes catch myself pondering still, years later.

  3. I felt intense fear from the ass beating the guy said he was going to give me so I ran away.

  4. She was a high school senior with a Cinema/Television Arts major with aspiring dreams and experience in the field. I ~~was~~ am just a droppie who only shows up to the same college clubs. I’m probably never gonna see her again. 🙁

  5. I realized that I was attracted to them physically and to the idea of what they could be, instead of who they currently were… which was a bit of a b word in all honesty.

    I regretted at the moment, but looking back I made the right decision

  6. They were completely reliant on me for everything. Couldn’t hold a job, which was never their fault🙄. Even with all this I cared for them but I needed a partner and not a dependent.

  7. I was really into this guy, but my uncles Joey and George both told me that he wasn’t right for me and that another guy was a standup good guy with similar values whom I should go for.

  8. Because I was already in a relationship and because I tend to push people away.🤷🏻‍♂️

  9. There was this one girl who I fell hard for in 6th grade and we were close friends up until like 11th. She was the only person I could really talk to that could actually help me feel better and usually understand what I was goin through. I was scared of losing that for so long but then eventually I told her and she told me that I was just a friend to her. After that I just withdrew myself for a while until we eventually had a falling out and stopped talking. It’s been like 2 or 3 years since we spoke but I still think about her everyday. In the end running away and redusing to deal with my feelings drove away one of my closest friends. Shit sucks

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