For those of you who are mothers, what year did you have a baby and how much did it cost you after insurance?

  1. Bill was $45k, I think my deductible was around $4000, so that’s what I paid. Good thing there are 0% payment plans through the hospital.

  2. Vaginal delivery with epidural and 25 hour hospital stay post partum cost 30K. I had already met my high deductible earlier in the year with ultrasounds and other medical visits, so there was no additional cost.

    Remember to use in-network services at all times and things will be a lot cheaper.

  3. Thankfully I was on Medicaid at the time. So we didn’t have to pay anything. I had to have surgery 6 weeks after my kid was born. And the Medicaid covered that as well. So I didn’t have to pay the almost $80 grand it all cost.

  4. $0 thanks to Tricare and my $300 deductible being met. I think before insurance my 5 day stay (2 days of induction, 2 nights of jaundice monitoring) was about $90k

  5. $0. Spontaneous labour, morphine, laughing gas, epidural, midwife, private room, 1.5 days in hospital. 

    I’m in Canada, so our taxes pay for this. 

    Also had 18 months of paid maternity leave, and my partner had 8 weeks paid parental leave at the same time.  

  6. -$5000. We got 5k to have the baby in Australia in 2009. They were still doing the babu bonus then 😊

  7. Back in the before time (2006), the hospital bill for my emergency cesarean was $120,000ish. I paid $150 in copays total.

  8. 65,000 combined for both my emergency c-section, our postpartum hospital stay, and baby’s care. Thankfully, I was on Medicaid at the time and they covered everything.

  9. With my first two kids I had government BCBS as my insurance and I paid nothing out of pocket. I actually got sent a $30 check from them after my second kid was born

    I had different insurance with my third and I paid around $2000 out of pocket.

    The bills before insurance ranged from $30K to $60K

  10. 36 hours of labor, 48 hours of monitoring after due to PROM. Vaginal delivery with epidural.

    I think we were billed somewhere around $18,000 for me and $3,000 for my son.

    Insurance negotiated down to $12,000 for me and $1,300 for my son. Deductible is $8,000 per person so paid around $9,300.

    Jokes on us too my husbands job had AMAZING benefits for years, November of last year we found out they changed insurance companies (went from no deductible to $8k per person for the same cost) and baby was born in January. Didn’t even really have time to plan for our bill going from $1,000 copay to over $8,000 deductible.

  11. My out of pocket max with insurance was $5000. My baby was about $800 more. I was induced and eventually had a c section. I was in the hospital for 6 days (3 after birth because blood pressure issues).

  12. $0 from our pockets — my insurance is thankfully really, really good. One of the major perks of my job. I’m in the US. Looking at my EOB it would have cost us over $50,000.

  13. $0 in Scotland where I had my first… parking was also free

    $20 in Canada where I had my second, but only because I had to pay for parking which I think was $10/ day

  14. 0,-€ hospital costs. 2 years paid maternity leave with 300,-€ each month “parents money”. Plus 250,-€ “children money”.

    I live in Germany.

    I genuinely feel sorry for American citizens. It’s a shame that your social system is so fucked up.

  15. In Ireland so maternal healthcare is free from the moment you get thode two blue lines until 6 week post natal check up

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