How do you feel about open relationships at the start of a fresh relationship? An open relationship is very new to the both of us. (Two bisexual girls) When we first started an open relationship is what we agreed upon. But as feelings towards the other person developed, it was felt that boundaries needed to happen.

  1. Right now while we still build our foundation that going on dates and wanting to do anything with another female is going to be uncomfortable. There was a mention that this will open up as the foundation gets stronger.

  2. No hooking up with close friends in the male aspect. This rule was set because of one person being extremely uncomfortable that close friends and sex can developers feelings and always leads to the person in the relationship becoming non existent.

This was expressed and is not agreed upon. This turned in to “having rules being set and not really letting them do whatever it is they want to do”.

Dynamics of the relationship
1. We are 6 months into knowing each other
2. We live together
3. Theres a 30 day period to allow them to do whatever they want except the close friends idea.
4. They want to go ahead and focus on the dating aspect and my focus is on my career aspect.
5. Both in our 30s

So what seems like rules are being set on one end, it’s actually not. Since this is fresh and new to the both of us and she is the one focusing on the dating side of things, its easy for me to tell her what i am uncomfortable with. If i were focused on the dating and hooking up aspect, im sure she will have rules and boundaries in effect as well.

Tl;dr summary is: Open relationship advice is needed. I want to know is it to early to show my feelings and set rules and boundaries?

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