Hi everyone,

I'm hoping to get some advice or hear from others who might have experienced something similar. I'm a M24 and lately, I've been feeling like there's urine stuck in my penis, especially around the frenulum area.

Here's what's happening:
– I pee normally without any issues, but towards the end, I get this sensation that some urine is still stuck.
– After finishing, if I stand and apply a bit of pressure, a few drops and sometimes even a small stream of urine come out.
– This happens consistently and is quite frustrating.

I visited a urologist last week and had a thorough check-up. Here are the results:
– Normal prostate size
– Normal post-void residue
– Normal uroflowmetry

The doctor told me that it's just a mental issue, but I'm not entirely convinced. Has anyone else experienced this? Should I consider getting a second opinion, or could this really be something psychological? Any advice or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated.

  1. Interesting? No stones on the way? Did they do an ultrasound?

    I don’t really feel pain from kidney stones like other people do. What I do feel in the 2-3 days before the stone pops out is a burning sensation (like I have an std)

    Sounds similar…

  2. Try dapping your penis with some toilet paper to see if a little bit comes out after you think you’re done peeing.

  3. I get something like this sometimes if I pee shortly after ejaculation. It’s annoying, and I sometimes have to run to the bathroom numerous times because a little pee does continue to dribble out after. But it does pass after a short while. I always just took it to be something with the “tracks” resetting.

    So I guess my question would be, does this happen after ejaculation, or all the time? And does it pass, or is it constant?

  4. Have you been taking OTC sleep meds? Or any OTC allergy meds like Sudafed? Similar thing was happening to me…for me it was the OTC sleep meds according to my doctor. I quit those and problem cleared up.

  5. Happens to me every time I go because my pelvic floor or something is fucked up lol. Just put some pressure from hand on taint area and it should come out

  6. I’d advice sitting down peeing. Maybe you already are, but if not… sit down.

  7. I sometimes get this and drink shit loads of water or Cranberry juice and it usually goes. Not sure what it’s gonna be if you have it every time you piss though.

  8. I’ve had similar sensations in a couple of cases. Some things tend to irritate the urethra. And yeah. I noticed it more as a problem after 35 or so.

    One is if I’m not careful with my diet, especially if I’ve been drinking too much coffee/caffeine. That can tend to leave me with a strange feeling of not getting everything out. I’ve switched to half decaf and it helped my anxiety, too.

    The other is that I find “shaking it off” no longer does the trick. It’s more reliable to run my finger up the urethra from the balls down the shaft after peeing. That will generally dislodge a last squirt.

  9. Tight pelvic floor muscles. Look up “CPPS” – chronic pelvic pain syndrome. This is a very common symptom.

  10. Hey, serious answer here.

    So, I was having the same issue.

    I went for an ultrasound of my bladder, no urine retention, and prostate was slightly enlarged at the ultrasound. However, when the urologist saw the images, she said it was not enlarged.

    My symptoms were the feeling of needing to go but not going, going to pee multiple times but peeing very little. The feeling of pee still present around the frenulum, weak stream, stream splits in two, needing to push the urine out so to speak. Waking up five times at night to pee but peeing very little, peeing 20 times after 1 bottle of wine and peeing drops every time. Pain when peeing after intercourse, I would stand over the toilet, waiting for the pee to come out, sometimes up to 40 minutes and very little wpuld come out, I would feelnlike pee was still there.

    Friends and family advised me to get checked.

    We spoke about what could be causing this and asked about my diet. She says different men have diferentes things that can irritate their prostate. Tomato sauce is an irritant, for example. She asked me to write down what I ate or drank the day before whenever I had an issue. I am too lazy to do this, so I just never did it.

    She asked when I started noticing, how often, etc. I said it started around 1 year ago, and it turns out I began drinking wine around this time.

    Turns out, sour, bitter, tart things, and alcohol irritate my prostate. She told me to go 90 days without any type of alcohol and see if things changed.

    I did not follow her advice because I’m an idiot.

    I had a trip overseas, and I avoided alcohol for a week while I was there. The same thing when I came back ended up going the 90 days without realizing it.

    Had some wine and cheese and bam, and the symptoms came back.

    I do notice that whenever I have a beer or a glass of wine, I will have the sensation of needing to pee, peeing very little, weak stream, the stream splitting in two, etc.

    Check your diet and see what is irritating your prostate.

    I have slowed down on the wine and drinking in general. Most if not all of the symptoms have gone away.

    I am in my early 30s.

    I wish you the best

  11. I had something sort of similar but more stinging and I just thought it was an STI but ended up a UTI urinary tract infection. Go to a sexual health place as they will check it better.

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