I need to vent. Please forgive me if my question doesn’t make any sense (my mind is all over the place) but I will try to explain to my best. My friend (M38) and myself (F39) have been dating for some time now. He recently told me he isn’t ready for a relationship and the more we share and have deeper conversations, the more I realize it’s due to his finances. I think he is a great guy and I don’t want to put any expectations on him. I want to support our friendship, yet I don’t want to put all my eggs in one basket. I want to continue to date others because there is no telling how soon he will be where he wants to be. I feel that in the perfect world we would be great together but I know they say not to date someone based off their “potential” but to see them for where they are today. I try not to over step my boundaries and just allow him to share things with me as he can.

I’m well off into my career, make more than him, own my home. That’s not where he is but I see him trying! He has a long term permanent job, trying to buy a property, yet had to move back into his uncles house. I know he wants to make more money and be able to provide. It’s not about material things but I can’t force myself on to him. I do want to be with him but I want him to be just as comfortable in our relationship as I would want for myself. So how do I still be a friend & date others? How do I support him without putting any “future relationship pressure” on him? It’s like I’m being pulled in two different directions. Any advice? How do I position myself that I get what I want?

How would you want a woman to support you in this situation? If someone needs any more details please DM me!

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