For some context I am [21M] dating this girl [20F], for two years as of now. This is not counting the first time we dated for about 3 months, prior to our current relationship. But while we were not together for the 11 months that it was between thier, I got with a lot of other people, including two of her friends who she is obviosly no longer friends with. While we were apart I was convinced that she hated me and there was no chance of getting back together. I figured whatever, these girls want to get with me and they are telling me she’s moved on anyways so what’s the harm. But apparently that wasn’t the case as we got back together and I told her everything I did while we were apart. Now we have been going strong for about 2 years now but it always seems to come up that “I did this with her friends” and how could I do that to her. Even other girls who weren’t even her friends she’s upset about. This may sound bad but I feel kind of guilty for cutting off some of those girls (not her friends) I was good friends with some of them even though we were kinda friends with benefits, I also cared about them. Now it’s almost like I can’t talk to any girl without it being a problem. Not even in a romantic way but just a regular communication way. I want to be able to talk to some of these past girls I was with because I feel like I did nothing wrong. Me and her were not together. So since these past things with other women keep coming up, do you think my relationship is bound to not succeed? I can’t just keep ignoring these issues and how I feel about a couple of the other girls who I care about and had to cut off.

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