For small context of who we are, I am a 25+F and my 25+M boyfriend and I have been together for some time now.

A while ago I went out to a show with friends. My boyfriend had already started making comments about not knowing them and that he would like to meet my friends before I go out of state with them. But when they pulled up, he didn’t even wanna come say hi.

He text me as we were in the way to the show, he says he has a few rules, not to come back super late and don’t come back smelling like a lot of perfume or another man… ok. Lol

I enjoyed the show with me friend group so much! I was so excited to get home to my bf and tell him all about it. After the show (around 11:30pm), we are getting back in the car when I notice bf has called me a few times I return his call and he asks, “where are you.” I tell him, “we just got back to the car, takes a couple hours to get back home but I’ll see you when I get there”. Bf starts chuckling like “alight bet”. I’m like okay he’s being a lil weird.

So I finally get back home a little after 2am. He’s getting out the shower… I’m like “babe, wow I had such an amazing time”

He, “ok” dry.

I’m like why are you acting like that. He then says,” you crossed a boundary. I told you not to come in this house after 1am.”

First of all no he didn’t. He just said try not to come back late. Two , I can’t control the time the show ends .. we were also sitting in traffic. On top of that it took nearly two hours to get home. We argued pretty intensely and he punched thru a door in our house and then tried to blame his injury on ME!

Like is this the beginning stages of a controlling relationship ? I don’t wanna walk away but this isn’t even cool

TL;dr my boyfriend and I got in an argument because I came home later than he wanted me to from a show out of town. Is this a controlling person?

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