Hii I would love to hear your opinions. Me (20F) and my boyfriend(23M) have only been together for a few months now and I had went to his house the other day for the first time. when I was there he had a surprise for me and it was lingerie. There was 2 body suits both a size small and I am a bit chubby so I fit medium or large and he knows that. As I was looking at it, it had no new tags, the brand was Fenty. He had me try one and it couldn’t even get passed my tits, then as I was going to try on the next one, I literally looked at the crotch and there was dry DISCHARGE literally I got so grossed out. I didn’t say anything at all to him and told him I didn’t want them, they don’t even fit. I felt weird the rest of the day with him and went home early. Now I’m thinking where did he get the lingerie? who wore this lingerie? To be honest after thinking I feel like he stole it from his sister or still had it from a previous relationship, which he hasn’t been in one for “years”. He is now my ex

  1. That’s fucking gross. I’m not usually a break up with him kinda person but that’s so fucking gross

  2. The case of the Fenty discharge lingerie:

    You believe he is capable of stealing his own sisters lingerie? That’s sicko and creep times ten.

  3. Eeeeeeew!!! How does a man not notice this!? Id ask him next time and show him tbh. I’d be like “Wild you tried to give me this, look here babe – there’s discharge from someone else vagina. Where did you even get these? And what made you think I could fit them/want them?” But maybe that’s because I’m direct and like to address issues when they happen. Maybe he did truly order them for you and can show a receipt, who knows.

  4. holy fuck thats gross, i actually lol’ed from this post and gagged at the same time.

  5. Alright I didn’t see the “used” part and just saw that you were only in the relationship for a few months and I’m like “hmmm little early for lingerie” then I saw “DISCHARGE”. Wtf.

    Instant break up that’s nasty and weird. Like he either stole it from his sister, had it from a previous relationship, or bought it from a Goodwill. Still fucking NASTY!

  6. Yo I stopped, fucking aghast, after you said discharge. Fucking aghast my girl

    This guy is ghastly

  7. My first instinct is that he cheated and they were left behind so he is trying to cover his tracks by pretending they are gifts.

  8. I would have thrown it at him and dumped him on the spot. That’s just me though.

  9. Hang on, I’ll ask my wife how she would like it if I gave her used lingerie as a gift to keep and wear. If I survive I’ll let you know.

  10. Why would you not have called him out on it? Why let him think he got away with this bs

  11. Yuck! He didn’t even wash them? No wonder they were left behind from a previous girl.

  12. Miss I know we don’t know each other and we probably never will but you leave that nasty man alone. You find someone who has sense to buy clean lingerie and get you the size correctly . I would have been a damn menace and asked him to try some large boxers on that was used. 😐 he’ll complain about how it’s too big for him and stank so…

  13. This is something another girl left at his house and he didn’t wanna get caught with them so he acted like it’s a gift. I’d dump him. There’s too many red flags in this story.

  14. He got it from /r/dumpsterdiving.

    Yes, I have too much free time and waste it on freaky subreddits lamo

  15. So how did he act about it? You couldn’t get it on, and he be like, cool cool?

    Also, how did he react to break up? He had to know it was about the lingerie?

  16. Oh girl I would have called him out immediately because what the fuck lmao

  17. Tell him what you saw. Tell him that was so inappropriate. Tell him that isn’t how you get a woman into bed for sex!! Tell him to go F himself as he deserves no woman!!!! Unbelievably cheap and the contamination on that garment is so disgusting!!! Too lazy to wash it?????!!!!! So deceitful and Gross!!!!!

  18. That’s nasty AF!! Girl you walk. No matter where he got it from that’s absolutely disgusting and fucked up that he gave you someone else’s used lingerie.

  19. You need to ask him about it. You literally should have asked him right at that moment. You should have been like “I don’t know where you got this, but we need to go right now and return it. This is a law suit!!” And he would have freaked out.. then put him on the spot to see whose discharge that is.
    Huge red flag if you ask me..

  20. Throw it away that’s so fucking gross and I find it disrespectful honestly

  21. Lmfaooooooooo . Omg I burst out laughing . Used lingerie …that is enough Reddit for me today. Confront him so he doesn’t think he got away with it .

  22. Okay so here my thoughts on it. You’ve been dating a few months so he probably would have learned your actual size for clothing and the like by now (if not he could have asked before he got the used lingerie) as a guy we know there is a lot at stake with gift giving (if we give a shit in the first place) so you would have had him ask you questions like usual sizes for clothes, colors you feel confident in, if you’re even into that kind of sexy dress up thing and other questions that would help him narrow down his decision for a “perfect gift” (and these questions would be spread out and sporadic so you dont catch on). Sooo again.. here my take. The dude really fucked up in a lot of different levels. Number 1. The only time you buy your girl used clothes is when you take her to the thrift store (if she’s that type that loves thrifting) and you pay for whatever she gets (a whole cart full of clothes is like 30-50 bucks it’s not that serious). (YOU NEVER BUY USED UNDERWEAR OR LINGERIE OR BATHING SUITS THATS A RULE!!!) Number 2. The fact that he didn’t really follow up when he showed them to you is hella suspicious, if I was in that situation I would have maybe given you a disclaimer about their conditions or something? Idk it’s really hard to try to not immediately have your side on this one LMAO. And yeah the fact that he didn’t wash them or check them or anything??? Idk man… That’s fucked. Maybe it was all he could afford or whatever… But I think if it comes down to buying used “stained” lingerie or saving money for new or buying something else… It’s an obvious choice right? It sounds like he’s your typical guy at that age (I was there myself a decade ago) and he just wants to have you around for sexual companionship. And no. That’s not me saying that’s all you have to offer… But look at it this way. If you guys were getting ready to jump in bed to handle your business and he goes for a condom and you go “oh shit I got you covered” and pulled a used condom out from your nightstand… He’d be pretty dumb to just be like “oh wow that’s so thoughtful, and it’s even tested for quality assurance wow thanks babe!’ like nah man… You have your answer. You even had a feeling it was wrong because you reached out because of it. It sucks. I get that. But when we start making excuses for people and giving them the benefit of the doubt when it really shouldn’t even be given… We set the bar too low for ourselves and we start to accept things just because. Don’t do that shit to yourself. Fuck what everyone says (even myself) if you leave him that would be the most understandable thing. I mean hell… You could ask him what the fuck he thought he was doing but I think you and I know he was probably trying to pass along something from an ex or something. Either way. Not okay. Or. You could stay with him. But don’t get mad when he does shit like this again because you staying is pretty much an acceptance of that behavior. That’s all I think. I wish you the best of luck and don’t settle for less than you’re worth. Loveyoubye.

  23. He did that and you didn’t say nothing about it!? Girl!!!! Sounds to me like he’s cheating and has some sick twisted fetish by having you try on the other woman’s lingerie.

  24. Dump him but also low key come back and tell us how he explained his train of thought with this one lol

  25. I read the title out loud, my husband said break up with him. That’s disgusting AF.

  26. wait but like i really wanna know where he got it from… is there any way you can find out

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