I’m not really going for the extreme kinda ”suicidal”, hence the citation marks. But more the constant comments that you’d get like ”I just want to die die,” or ”can’t bare to live past 50”.

  1. I don’t entertain that stuff. I just tell them to make sure my name is underlined in their will. Usually stonewalls all the victim rhetoric.

  2. You don’t want to die, you don’t want the life you live. Change it, and make it worth living.

  3. Fucking painfully. I’ve had exs lie bout this kinda stuff to the point it’s not easy to tell if they are telling the truth. So even though it’s a new girl with new mental health I still question her in my head, makes me question myself too.

  4. I got a trauma out of it because she blackmailed me.

    We weren’t together bytheway.

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