I don’t know if my title makes sense, but I am talking about concepts that are given an elevated and often special, semi-magical connotation.

The prime example for Denmark would be the word “_hygge_,” which also gained popularity in international self-help writings and has often been used as an example for a Scandinavian “superpower” almost, being part of a larger cultural and idealistic explanation of why Denmark is ranking so high on happiness-scores and so on. Personally, I would attribute the latter to the high amount of medical anti-depressants prescribed in Denmark, but that is another discussion.

So, “_hygge_” as a term is presented as something special, a special form of being togetherness, of contentedness and enjoyment of the company of others. Often it is mythologised to such a degree, that Danes will talk about it as a special form of enjoying time spent with others, that other countries don’t have; this is, of course, bullshit. A Bulgarian, Jamaican or Korean can just as well as a Dane enjoy spending time with other people.

“_Hygge_” is at times paraded around as the _core_ of Danish culture and identity, made out to be this special, semi-magical feeling, but it is, in the end, an empty term.

What about in your countries?

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