Who is the last person you ghosted and why?

  1. A guy I went out on a date just once, and now I feel very guilty, but there wasn’t any chemistry on my part.

  2. I ghosted a guy because he freaked me out. There were several reasons, all around he felt very off but he had kept it in check until we got to his place on the second date. When we went to his place, not only was his bed without a sheet or blanket and covered in SO MANY stains, but he had 3 assault rifles just propped up against the mattress and he laughed and said “Hope you like guns” (I do not.)

    He also had removed the banister for their stairs, it was leaning against the wall. I asked why, he said for fun. (I have a joint disorder and very much need to hold onto shit when going up and down stairs).

    Then when I left his place, I noticed him hop into his car and start following me. I lost him before getting home, and then blocked him on everything.

  3. Recently single and this guy I used to talk to years ago randomly snap chatted me. Within 3 or 4 snaps he sent me a picture of him with the anime filter on, in his boxers, with an emoji covering his junk… it was not a sexual conversation I literally said I work with his brother and that’s what he sends. Instant ghost. Not sure if that counts as “ghosting” but I did ghost him years ago when we did talk for being weird so second times the charm lol

  4. He said some really weird things on our date about how he was looking for a relationship to get his life back together and show his ex that he’s matured. When I pressed, he told me he’d just got out of prison for abusing his ex while she was pregnant, and now she won’t let him see his daughter. I asked him to take me home a bit later because I was having an allergic reaction to something in one of my drinks, but he insisted on us walking on the beach first. Since he drove, I felt like I wasn’t in the position to say no. He kept like pivoting and stopping right in front of me to look down like he was trying to get me to kiss him, and I kept walking around him. I know I looked miserable, because again, I was having an allergic reaction to something.

    Finally he drives me home, but when we get to my complex, he locked me in his car and again kept acting like he wanted me to kiss him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and unlocked my door, practically ran out of his car before he could lock it again. He kept texting me “hey baby” and “hey babe” for weeks, and I never responded.

  5. I was very early into casually dating a woman who is black. We somehow got into a text argument with her insisting that Michael Vick was unfairly targeted for dog fighting due to him being a black man. That it was a cultural thing. I was like, noooo. He was targeted for being a disgusting, animal abusing asshole. She called me a racist (I’m brown, BTW). The next day, we were supposed to go to the movies, but when she texted to ask what movie/time, I never answered her back. Not the most mature, but with an attitude like that, further conversation seemed like a waste of time.

  6. My life crush, he only wanted me for sexual reasons, his attention was very inconsistent as he thought I was there every time he wanted, just to have sex. I stopped answering, it was too much of an emotional load for me as I really, really wanted us to be more than sex buddies. I cried a few times but stayed consistent about no contact. Still miss him.

  7. I blocked this guy while I was on the date with him cuz he wrote an erotica featuring me and asked for my permission to post it somewhere. It was so fucking weird, we met online and had been talking for like a week max.

  8. Person who really liked my (non-sexual) fanfic because they had a niche kink that was like, triggered by events in the story. They kept messaging me asking if I had this kink because apparently I wrote it so well?? And then basically trying to roleplay out scenarios with it? It was so weird. Kink is fine and great but pretty sure this was sexual harassment

  9. Guy slid into my dms. We went on a few dates and he ended it via text saying he felt he was on a different life path. No worries, whatever.

    He hit me up again two months later saying he really liked me and didn’t know how to process actually liking someone and freaked out and wanted a second chance. I reluctantly agreed.

    We go on several more dates. They’re fun, nothing bad happens. He randomly texts me one day and says “a relationship is not for him.” I don’t reply.

    Not sure if it’s ghosting but it’s not worth my energy to reply to someone who’s looking to string me along and waste my time.

  10. A childhood friend because she constantly called an apartment I worked so hard for a “dump” because it wasn’t in a central downtown area. She lives in her father’s basement. I don’t need those comments when I’m busting my butt. It seems a little small to ghost her for, but she was constantly giving me grief about it and even her parents tried to talk about how “poor” I was at a dinner once. I was so uncomfortable and didn’t deserve it.

  11. A guy I met at the dog park. He was at the dog park every single day and eventually struck up a friendship with me and brought me into a group of regular dog walkers. I was bumping into the group near daily if I timed my walks right. Mostly they were okay, friendly enough, all about their dogs but they were all men save for one other woman I met (though apparently there was also another woman I didn’t meet).

    The guy who initially brought me in started texting me daily to meet at specific times at the park which I did for a while because why not, it was nice to walk with company. Then he started asking about my marriage, if my husband was jealous I’d been spending so much time with him and low key complaining about his girlfriend.

    Then his texts became too directive “let take our dogs to this great dog beach” which would be a day trip out in the sticks alone and not with the group. Or he’d ask to go for dinner and then take the dogs to new trails apart from everyone. He invited me to his house to drink and bonfire, always with the dogs but always one on one. I never accepted these offers and started to slow replies which caused him to reply more.

    I bumped into the one woman in the group one night and asked her how their friendship was and she told me that one day she did go to his house for drinks (this dog walking group seemed to be full of heavy drinkers) and was 100% sure he drugged her at his house. She implored me not to see him alone which I wasn’t leaning to anyways.

    After that I deleted my number from the group chat and ghosted them all. I have zero time for that level of attention from one guy and I had no more interest in walking my dog with a bunch of men I barely knew for the sake of “the dogs making friends”.

    I still go to this forest near daily but I know when they go and I just go at a different time.

  12. The residents I worked with at my last job. Some people in my job keep in touch with them after they leave. I chose to make a clean break. I thought it would be better for everyone involved.

  13. Had one date with a guy. Nothing to exciting but he was nice. Didn’t feel the need to pursue but would’ve gone on a second if he asked. Well he just kept texting mundane stuff. Basically small talk, how was your day etc. After two weeks I just stopped responding.

  14. Met a guy on a dating app. We talked on the app for a week or so, moved to phone calls. We were stuck on phone calls for 6+ weeks. I made an effort to meet in person, we worked very different schedules so it would take compromise on both sides. I offered several different options multiple times. He was always busy or tired. I called him, gave him the “I don’t think this is going to work” speech and wished him good luck. He proceeded to call and text me repeatedly over the next few weeks just to talk like we were before. I reminded him we were done, he insisted we weren’t…I just stopped responding and blocked him.

  15. He was super sweet in person, but as soon as he texted me, he got weird and kept insisting I let him rub my feet💀

  16. I ghosted a guy who told me his wife was possessed. We weren’t even dating just friends and he sent me himself talking nonsense.

  17. It was a mutual ghosting.

    After the first tense disagreement we’d ever had in our entire friendship, we never spoke again. No calls, emails, or anything on social media. We also never blocked each other, so neither of us has made the effort to connect again in years.

  18. I meet this guy via social media who asked for my number, and all he wanted to do was text (mind you he was mid-30s). He promised he would call me and never did and when it was time for us to finally meet he said he overslept. I’m positive he wasn’t a catfish because we have mutual friends, but he def had something going on.

  19. I like to imagine ghosting is “mutual”. it takes two to not have a good vibe going on and needing to dip out. most know its coming. and both usually don’t reach out.

    but I try not to ghost people, its better to just say what was off or I’ll confront it head on and say I’m just not interested. if I have to start ignoring them after saying this it shouldn’t count as ghosting but unless someone is awful, its nicer to just be direct

  20. A guy I had fallen in love with. He did all the right things. He courted me, listened to my interests and incorporated my interests into planned dates, took initiative into communicating with me, and even said he wanted a relationship. As soon as I let my guard down and we had sex, he flipped a switch, saying he didn’t want the responsibility and accountability of a relationship and how he didn’t trust women after literally telling me all the time about how he was ready for a relationship. I learned some valuable lessons and haven’t dated or had sex with anyone sense. That was two years ago.

  21. I ghosted a guy because he had bedbugs for the second time in 6 months but “don’t worry we got rid of them this time…”

    I wasn’t going to his house and he wasn’t coming to mine, and I didn’t know how to explain it to him without making his situation worse or embarrassing him so I quietly faded away.

  22. I used to ghost people when i was younger and dating and didn’t know how to properly respond or end the relationship. Usually it was people I went on one or a few dates with and it wasn’t working for whatever reason, so it was easier to ghost. I didn’t do this with people I dated for long periods of time.

    As I’ve gotten older, I realized that ghosting is the worst way to end things. It’s unsatisfying for both people involved. I’m much more upfront with people now. If I thought they were a nice or pleasant person, it just wasn’t working for me, I let them down in the nicest way possible. People usually received this well and responded positively, thanking me for not ghosting or stringing them along. If I disliked the person or thought they were rude, it was much more fun to tell them off than to ghost. Ghosting doesn’t hold anyone accountable.

  23. This guy I went one 1 date with, he was trying to tell me his whole life’s story – how he’s had a lot of work done on his teeth, kept taking off his sweater to try and show off what little arm muscles he did have, lied about his height, told me he was a virgin and was happy that I’d be his first

    Oh and after the date when we were leaving ASKED if I wanted to kiss.

  24. i ghosted a classmate(he was a really good friend) bc he was making me uncomfortable with things he said and after i told him to stop(like at least 5 times) and he continued i just cut him off

  25. While in the talking stages, this guy got all aggressive about why I thought to joke that he likes D&D (he does) and he basically accused me of stalking him since he is well known in his town for his game play.

    So while attempting to reassure him that it was a random guess (he had other nerdy interests, I put two and two together), I apparently started sounding like a politician/lawyer.

    So he “guessed” that my marriage must have broken down due to my communication skills.

    I could see he was clearly not on my side and had drifted over to Crazy Town so I just stopped replying to him. He gave up after about three or four more messages

  26. Ghosted a girl who had weird vibes about doing a Bible study. I was the one that was going to do lead the Bible study and help teach her. But she just had weird energy.

  27. Okay listen. I ghosted a friend I had, which I’ll name Joe.

    I’m 27 right now and Joe is 34. I just got the ICK all of a sudden, after realizing that this guy friend became my friend when I was 16 and they were 23. They also used to hit on me when I was 16 but I never responded to that, instead I became his friend, and we’ve been good friends for years, but ew like NO I just couldn’t anymore.

    Why did I become friends? you see, it’s difficult as a teenager to say no as I perceived it as mean. Not like my parents taught me to have my own autonomy.

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