I (25M) think I’ve fallen out of love with my girlfriend(24F)

Using my throwaway for obvious reasons.

So I started dating a girl towards the end of last year. She was going abroad and I felt strongly for her so we kept going long distance. She comes back to my country in 2 months and we met up halfway into our 8 month break away from each other.

Here is where the problems arise. When we first started dating I asked her “are you seeing anyone else” she told me no.

The next time I saw her I asked her if she was ready to be my girlfriend. She told me she had something to tell me. She showed me a conversation with one of her dates. She had been out with this guy after I asked her if she was seeing anyone else. We did not discuss exclusivity. This did however hurt me deeply.

I decided to look past this but this still really hurt me. She said we had “different dating styles”.

Then came the second thing to hurt me. She told me she doesn’t usually date people and just normally has sex with guys on the first date. She told me she’s done this with about 10 guys in the last year. She first had sex in her 20s and slept with 10-15 guys in the last year before we had started dating.

I’ve tried my hardest to move past this. I just don’t see her the same way anymore and I feel like I should break up with her so that she can find someone who is more committed than I am. We lived together for some time before she left and this time away from her has just made me realise that I don’t feel the same way as I once did.

Am I being insecure? Am I being unfair? I find it so hard to break up with her even though I’ve brought it up to her before I feel like she always manages to keep me with her.

I think it’s time to break things off but I want to know if I’m just being insecure/hasty.

TLDR ; I think I’ve fallen out of love with my girlfriend because I don’t feel special to her given her sexual past. I also feel like I have not forgiven her for leading me to believe she was as invested as I was

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