basically as the title says. We've been dating for 8 months now and i love him to pieces. His work was insane hours, and initially he said this was the reason our sex life was dying out. He's started working less, yet our sex life hasn't improved. (we went from having sex every day, sometimes two or three times, to basically once a week or every two weeks)

We just had a conversation where i told him i feel like the 'work stress', while i know its likely still a factor, isn't the only thing going on and he admitted he doesn't enjoy sex with me.

He said he thinks im beautiful and sexually attractive, enjoys the aspect of sex that is showing his love for me, and enjoys cuddling after. but on a personal level, doesn't think i meet his sexual needs. I feel super embarrassed at being called bad at sex as i thought i'd been trying my best. He says that he feels he does all the work and that i'm bad at oral. I had no idea he felt this way because in the first part of our relationship, we had a lot of sex.

I'm a very anxious person and so all this has sent me into a spiral of freaking out that our relationship is doomed and we're sexually incompatible and its over for us as i always hear about deadbedrooms and whatnot being the harbringer of breakups. What if i'm doomed to be shit at sex forever? I know we need to have a conversation about what we want in the bedroom and etc but this all has just shattered my heart a little. Any advice welcome because I know im young and probably catasrophizing

tl;dr my bf said he doesn't enjoy having sex with me because he thinks i'm bad in bed and im worried about our future.

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