Hi everybody

I wanted to know, how can you be more assertive? For example when I know I will be having an interaction with people who I'd like to avoid but I can't, like when I meet old school bullies in the street and they come up to me and ask me details about my life now but they say they have to go when I ask them about theirs, or when those intrusive family members start saying and asking stuff I don't like and don't want to be asnwering, I get anxious and just answer and tolerate everything.

When I think about it, I say to myself that next time I will not allow someone to insult me or start asking me weird and personal things and I will politely refrain from answering things I don't want, but when the situation actually comes up, it's like I forget all the things I have 'rehearsed' in my head and I start feeling uncomfortable and instead of just saying that I have to go or that I would rather not talk about that right now, I just sit there and hear all their questions and answer everything even if it makes me uncomfortable. And I have noticed also that my voice gets low and I tend to look down, because I am so uncomfortable.

How can I be more dynamic and strong and set my personal boundaries?

Thank you in advance!

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