How many people have you slept with?

  1. absolutely no idea. been to a couple of lesbo sex parties and such. could be upward toward 100+

  2. I’m not sure, haven’t been keeping a tally but maybe around 15 max. I’m 37.

  3. 10-20. Had a wild period when I first moved to the city from a small town. Nothing more liberating than having sex with a person who hadnā€™t dated my sister or fucked my best friend or who would tell everyone we mutually knew, aka the whole town.

  4. I believe itā€™s 28.

    I also think people have different definitions . For hetero situations do we only count penetration? What do we class the limit is in same sex situations? Itā€™s all subtle and personal definitions.

    Anyway. Iā€™m sticking with 28

  5. One, and I’m extremely happy with that. We’ve been married 30+ years now.

  6. i have a habit of counting the non consensual ones. without those… maybe 6?

  7. 10ā€¦ it would have been less if I didnā€™t have the ā€œomg I havenā€™t had much experience bc Iā€™ve been in long term relationshipsā€ guilt I had in my late-twenties.

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