I really struggle keeping conversation because I don't think there is anything going on in my head.. like it's pure emptiness… for some reason I can't think or connect dots anymore… and this puts a strain on conversation… even when the next sentence or question should be obvious to me what we were talking about never sticks… like what they say goes in one ear and out of the other… and they look at me expecting me to say something or ask something but I don't know what to ask… like I'm just 2 eyes and 2 ears I'm only there to listen… and no one actually likes talking about themselves as much as everyone says they do… when I do have something to ask it's like they answer it and if I keep asking questions to continue the conversation they seem to get irritated, or they wonder why I'm not talking about myself but I have nothing to say about myself… I feel like this is a new thing… I feel like I say things that are a little too off the mark for it to make sense in conversations… I think I am a homonculus.. I'm worried my soul got taken away… I can't even naturally talk to my own best friend anymore it's really lonely

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