I've been single for a little over a year, hard to date when you're living with your mom. Ran out of people on tinder without extending my range or changing the age range. Downloaded Hinge and actually put effort into my profile, good pictures and thoughtful responses to questions. My first like was from a woman 16 years older than me. She said I looked like a lot of fun and I messaged back saying "likewise, what are you looking for?" she told me she was separated and missed having a man in her life and wanted to have some fun. We talked and agreed to meet for drinks and maybe more on Friday. I was looking forward to it all week, it's been a while since I've been laid.

We met at a bar and had a drink. She paid for mine, which I felt bad about, she's a poor teacher, I'm a poor college student. She talked about her interests, her friends, fun stories from her school. She asked me engaging questions about myself and listened intently if I was nerding out or responding to her question. I asked her if she wanted to get out of here and she asked what I had in mind, I suggested going back to her place.

Her place was right around the corner, I parked and brought some stuff inside. We smoked a bowl together and started talking about deeper things. She was deeply unsatisfied in her marriage and didn't get the physical touch she needed. I got left by my fiance of 9 years and learned I have bipolar disorder late in my 20s. We revealed our vulnerabilities to each other and learned about one another. We made out on the couch, her lips were so soft. We fooled around and gradually went upstairs. She went to the restroom to freshen up.

When she came back she was a little paranoid from the weed, she hadn't smoked in years. "I just realized that I just met you and I have no way of vetting who you are." She seemed like she just needed to calm down a little so I encouraged her to ask me questions to ease her doubts and talk her down from her paranoia. After 15 minutes of talking she takes control and we start kissing again.

Then she tells me to get on top and I ask her what she wants me to do, she said she wanted me to fuck her slow. We fucked for hours, occasionally I needed a break and got some water, but then we cuddled, her touch would get me going again and we'd be back at it. I played music that I thought she'd like, and she was really into it. When we weren't talking she was kissing me passionately.

Around midnight I came for the first time and figured we'd be wrapping up and I'd be heading home soon. But she gave me a very convincing "don't go." I've never had someone say this to me and I melted back into her. We went at it like rabbits until 2am, spent a short 6 hours asleep and went back at it again in the morning. I came four times in total, which breaks every record I've had.

We talked for a while in the morning, but I had somewhere to be by noon so we parted ways. Both of us haven't been able to get the other one out of our head. I don't know where this will go, but jesus, if I can have more nights like that one, I'll take it.

Thank you for listening. I just wanted to reflect and share.

  1. Dont feel bad about her paying for your drinks. She may have some alimony in her future.

  2. Good for you. You let go of what you thought you needed and ended up with what you actually needed. Bravo. This is what life can be. Dare to live openly in all aspects. Seriously. Life is better there.

  3. My man! Sounds like you had a great night. Is she someone you feel you could be with or just a FWB?

  4. I’m a 25 year old college student and currently dating a 35 year old woman working in IT

  5. Not gonna lie, low key a bit jealous… sounds like a legit good time.

  6. had the same story but 6x at night only then continued in the morning so prob 8-10x one meet up. We smoked like every 3-4 hrs. we met 5-6 times before i pushed him away.

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