My GF (23) and I (M28) have been together for almost a year now. Long distance for the last month when she moved back to her home country for her dream job. We're only a 3 hour flight apart.

I've decided i want to break up with her because: 1) I don't want to be in a long distance relationship; and 2) things haven't been amazing for a while now, even before she moved back home.

Thing is, I've already planned to go visit her in her country, leaving in 9 days time, and staying for 9 days too.

Do I break up with her over the phone/video chat before flying over? Or, do I fly over and have a holiday with her, then break up towards the end?

We've had some great memories together which makes me want to do it in person, to give her the respect she deserves. But I also don't want to waste each other's time if my heart isn't fully in it. We have a lot of shared interests and activities, so we'd be doing plenty of fun stuff, I'm just worried it's going to a bad time.

Reddit, what's the right thing to do here?

TLDR: I want to end a long distance relationship. Do i go forward with our holiday plan and break up at the end of the holiday, or do I break up beforehand over the phone?

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