When a friend or SO does, not like at some ceremony.

  1. It just changes the mood, how bad the day is at that instant . It also gives a positive intent over the giver .

  2. I appreciate the thought behind it but I’m not really a ‘flower’ person. A lot of people enjoy getting flowers, I personally don’t.

  3. I love to receive flower in any context at any moment of the day. It makes me feel happy.

  4. i always said im not a flower person and they’re a waste but when they’re from my SO it really does lighten up my day because it has no real purpose, they just give it to make me smile. i even bought a vase so i can make them last longer when they get me one!

  5. From someone I care about or as a general platonic/consolatory gesture from acquaintances, it’s sweet and appreciated. Have been sent flowers in a romantic context from someone I hardly knew at all once, though; didn’t care for that.

    It’s not so much about the practicality of the flowers for me as much as it is the unspoken “I appreciate you” or “I sympathize with what you’re going through”

  6. I laugh and think of that Kanye tweet when he receives a water bottle on an airplane and thinks “great, now I have to be responsible for this water bottle.” 

    If it’s from someone I’m not romantically interested in, it’s awkward.

    If it’s from someone I am interested in and I’m in public, now I have an extra thing I’m obligated to tote around. If I’m at home now I have to trim them and put them in a vase. They’re nice I guess but it’s all sort of like here, I got you a chore to do! 

  7. From my child, I LOVE IT!

    From a friend, awwww, very sweet.

    From my SO, um have you been paying attention to what plants I prefer? Is my collection of houseplants a joke to you? Obviously buy me a succulent.

  8. I am very happy! I find it really thoughtful, especially if it’s spontaneously gifted. But I love giving flowers more, especially for my close friends, family, and partner

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