I (26F) have been on 3 dates with a guy (27M) and it’s been going great. He seems interested, he always texts first and initiated all of our dates which is nice.

After our last date, he messaged saying he had a great time and I mentioned that I can organise the next date soon. He said he isn’t free until the week after and that was fine.

I started thinking about all of our interactions and noticed that I’ve been very open and communicative about my interest in him. I was being vulnerable and reciprocative and affectionate, I even made him a beanie because he already had a collection and it’s his birthday soon so it was a early gift (I didn’t think it was weird at the time and neither did he).

However, looking back on everything I think I may be too much and showed too much interest. I wish I didn’t make the beanie because that was definitely too much….

I want to slow down and take some time because my anxiety is through the roof, I keep thinking that he’s laughing about me to his friends like “this chick made me a beanie after two dates” lol. He messaged me today as well trying to make convo but I was kind of cold and trying to distance myself a little.

Also I should mention, he shown interest as well. He’s told me that he deleted the dating app we matched on and is reciprocal in person. So it’s not just one sided (I hope).

Any advice would be helpful in what I should do next?

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