Recently I (22M) have been trying to get back into shape. Today is the second time I’ve gone hiking on a popular trail. Due to it being so busy even on weekdays and at all hours, I typically hike past the main attraction up to a lesser known and much smaller second lookout point. While resting and catching my breath after making it to my spot, a gorgeous woman (30s F) stumbles out into the clearing and asked me if this was the second ridge. I told her it was and we kept chatting for a bit. Well, we ended up talking for over an hour while alone together on this ledge and then she mentioned we should hike sometime so she gave me her phone number. I sent her a text saying “hi this is (my name)” right then so she would have my number as well. After that we hiked down together, constantly bantering with eachother. We even lingered at my car for a bit before saying our goodbyes and agreeing we should do this again. She is really funny, quick witted, smart, and beautiful. She also “loved” my text with messaging reactions after we both got home. Talking to her felt very natural and something I would typically be very confident about, however she mentioned twice that she wasn’t big into huge commitments (in reference to tattoos and staying at one job for an extended period of time) which to me seemed like a sign she was not looking for a relationship. I’m not typically a ONS or FWB type of person, so this gave me pause. She has a job where she travels a lot, I think that plays a part in it too, though she will be here for at least 3 months. Additionally, I look older than 22; I have facial hair and a deeper voice and most people wouldn’t guess I’m under 28. While talking with her, it became clear she is most likely about 10 years older than me even though she appears to be just a year or two older than i am. I am very interested in continuing to get to know her but also I’m worried our different in age might lead to issues down the road. Also for the for the first time in years I’m nervous around someone in a good way and I’m not used to feeling this way so I’m overthinking things which is why I came here. My questions are:
•Should I text her first or wait for her to reach out?
•Was her “loving” my original message her attempt to continue conversation?
•Does that wait whole 1-3 days before texting someone thing actually matter to people not my age? It’s never been something I’ve done before but also, everyone else I’ve talked to in an attempt to date has been within 4 years of me.

I met a woman I’m very interested in and I don’t know when the best time frame to reach out is.

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