What surprising thing did you learn about yourself during the pandemic?

  1. I’m way to comfortable being a home body and I don’t have a excessive need to go out and be social.

  2. I thought I had quite good body image – turns out I was just exhausted and didn’t haven’t the mental space to think about it.

    My confidence took a battering, but I started to exercise and eat better and ultimately feel the best in my skin that I ever have.

    I have noticed that I need more compliments from my husband, that I didn’t need before but in turn, I also consciously give them too.

    As an introvert, I otherwise coped quite well. Probably too well.

  3. That I enjoy my own personal company better than 99% of the people I’ve ever met in my life.

  4. That I wasn’t nearly as much of a recluse as I had previously thought.

  5. I can cook and love living alone, but I also hate doing dishes.

    Dishwasher my bestie for life next to roomba

  6. I’m more extroverted than I thought. I did well in lockdowns, but as the world has opened up, I’ve really relished hanging with friends, going clubbing, etc.

  7. That I love doing sex work and making adult content! If I didn’t already have a career I love that pays well I would totally go into porn.

  8. That my suspicion that humans were stupid as fuck turned out to be true

    The amount of people I saw who were anti-mask anti-vax boggled my fucking mind.

  9. I really do like being a hermit as much as I thought I would. I’m naturally a content and happy person. Being forced to be around other people every day is what makes me stressed and angry.

  10. I know I’ll get a lot of hate for saying this but I learned how much I depend on my husband and kids for happiness

  11. That working out at home with my own workouts and outside was 100x better than going to a gym and waiting for equipment, and the commute time, and getting creeped on.

    Edit: Before I didnt think I could have a proper workout out of the gym

  12. My dream career changed, I’d been working on the dream career for years and then lost the motivation over lockdown.

    It was difficult to accept, but I want to do something that gets me excited and motivated!

  13. that i can live perfectly without people and parties and it’s actually better for my mental health…

  14. How much I was draining myself everyday. I would wake at 4:30am, be at the gym at 5:30, spend an hour at the gym, get to work by 8am. Then I’d work until 5/6, and make it home through traffic by 7/7:30pm.

    My husband plays football twice a week and works weekends. Then I have netball once a week. So I would literally see my husband awake about 3 times a week for a couple of hours.

    The pandemic has taught me the value of time, and especially the time I wasn’t taking for myself. I think despite all the bad things of the pandemic, I needed to learn that.

  15. 1. That quarantine life had me flourishing!

    2. That there exist far more assholes than I ever expected. (I’m so naive about human nature and expect everyone to give a shit about others. Loooooool, I keep being disappointed lately.)

  16. That I could gain weight lol if I practically sit all day. I also prefer hybrid scenario of working remotely and traveling to work.

  17. That I have ADHD (and possibly Asperger’s too) and it’s been screwing up my entire life.

    The lockdown gave me time to sit down and think about what was REALLY going on because I wasn’t killing myself to get everything done like I normally do.

  18. That my life didn’t change all that much and essentially, I’m quite boring 😂

  19. I am an introvert , and i genuinely prefer being at home than going out getting drunk.

    I dont like relationships , i prefer my single life.

    My parents are wayyy more problematic than i thought.

    My ex friend group ( my ex best friends) were and still are trash. And its nit my fault they cut me off.

    I hate meat.

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