I (m17) had a friend in elementary school when, I was 9 years old and I would like to reconnect with her.

I know where she lives and her landline number. The problem is that I can’t get in contact with her that way, because both these options require me to talk to her parents, which could get awkward, because they will likely wonder what this 17 year old stranger calling or turning up at their doorstep wants from their daughter. (they now me from some occasions but my looks and voice have changed, so that they wouldn’t recognize me and they probably also forgot my name) And if I could avoid that I would only have the problem of her not remembering me, her not wanting to get in contact or ignoring me. I have tried to find her on social media, but was only able to find her parents. And meeting her by chance is very unlikely because I don’t go outside very much and the last time I have seen her was 4 years ago.

So my question is what would you recommend me in this situation?

**Thoughts, not necessary to answer the question, but gives more context**: (So my ideal outcome would be that we meet spend some time together and become friends again. I know this is wishful thinking because people change over time, she might not remember me or want to meet me. And maybe my mind has tricked me into thinking the friendship was stronger than it actually was. I have memories of certain events with her, but I can’t remember how the normal school day was. So right now I think it’s more likely to fail than succeed and it’s not worth the risk of embarrassing myself or getting hurt emotionally. I have also wondered why I want to get in contact with her again and I gave come to the conclusion that I haven’t had a real friend like that since then and I regret not taking the chances I had on random occasions when I met her to talk to her, because of my social insecurity.)

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