By cut I mean, no longer reach to them to invite them out unless they invite me out, I'm done with them. I get it, you have things to do. But after two or three days of not responding to my texts, I'm considering you're ghosting me on purpose. Then have the gall to tell me I'm texting you too much? F all the way off, you're not a real friend. A true friend would say, "sorry, I was busy with such and such," or text back that they can't come out. I always do. Here's the story. I'm always the friend who contacts other friends to hang out. If I didn't contact them, they would never hang out with me and I'm sick of it. I'm sick of being the friend that holds the group together.

Look, if you don't want to hang out with me that's fine, I'll accept that back, everyone needs to be alone from time to time or is busy with something else. BUT TEXT BACK! I shouldn't have to be the one that reaches out all the time. I shouldn't have to wait for days for a reply from your so called friend. I also don't mind waiting if they text back finally and say they're sorry they just responded now. But please, just say you can't do anything, respond, it's not that hard! I'll leave you alone when you do. But please, just don't ignore your friends when they could be going through a crisis and need you for something because they thought you were their friend.

Edit: I forgot to add in, I'm 34 years old now, I don't have much free time anymore and if I'm making an effort to try and hang with so called friends, then you should at least make an effort back.

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