I know I'm weird for paying for sex. I know the woman does not love me. I know I'm being played. But I can't seem to let it go. I'm 26(m) and I started seeing this woman. We saw each other 3 times in the past 2 weeks. I paid for the entire hour but she let me stay at the hotel the entire night. The second time I saw her she ordered food at this steakhouse and brought me some and we had fun. The third time she came over to my house and we got drunk and did the thing.

Long story short, she ghosted me and I have not spoken to her in 2 weeks. I think about her from time to time. Even after the sex she was very talkative and had a great sense of humor. I may get called a clown or a simp but I need some serious help on how to get over this. Maybe I'm caught in the lust phase because she was beautiful and good in the bedroom. I've honestly never felt this way about anyone.

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