I'm planning to start a weightloss journey, after losing weight then gaining even more of it back,, but i finally feel ready to date again after probably 2 years but I'm not at a comfortable weight where i feel my most confidence. Or is it best to wait until I'm at a comfortable weight to fit into all my nice dresses and start going on the dating apps again?

Thing is I've really struggled to stay disciplined and be motivated with the amount I have to lose and struggling at social outings/events, that I'm not sure if I'll reach that goal this year, because weightloss really doesn't feel linear, especially with plateaus. I'm 29, 30 next year and I haven't been in a relationship before (always felt like i didn't deserve to sigh down to confidence and well guess that's another post to be made), and i feel like i need to start putting myself out there now because i see friends getting married and starting families and I want that for me.

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