How did you get more comfortable with the uncomfortable parts of womanhood? (Obgyn visits, periods, etc.)

  1. I am ignorant when it comes to my body and I am constantly trying to learn so I think I am caught up in that that I don’t think about how I feel about it idk if that makes sense

  2. Being comfortable with periods took time, experience and honestly talking to others. Like okay this is normal. Still hate the gyno but I know it’s good for my health.

    There’s still a lot of womanhood left to be explored. I’m kind of on a hair journey right now. I’ve never been a girl who used a lot of products but I thought one that helps to control frizz and oh my lord is this how people walk around without their hair looking like frizz balls in the summer?

    It’s a lot about looking for information and talking and being confident in yourself no matter what! Which, I know, is easier said than done

  3. Never was and still ain’t. I think when the loved ones around you are comfortable with your body and talking about these things that’s when you truly get comfortable.

  4. Acceptance. Every woman goes through it..Seeing my fellow women of all ages go through everything and still be tough made me proud of it all, from a very young age. I’m not normalizing suffering or pain but that’s what helped me to cope.

  5. Experience, having the same gyno that I trust and being able to normalize it by talking with other ladies about it

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