I am so confused on what am I suppose to do… Any advice plss.

This all started when I was a bit younger. I was friends with a guy in middle school. He wasn’t too attractive or someone who would get noticed easily. He wasn’t popular but everyone respected him. When I first moved into town, he was one of the first guys to make friends with me. I wasn’t planning on anything, until we started catching feelings for each other. Girls kinda judged me bc he wasn’t hot looking lol, and boys were more supportive of us actually becoming a couple. We actually never became official bc he had to move out to another state. It was sad bc I caught feelings for him and we still snapped each other but for some reason we never made it to the dating level. He was one of the guys I think I like A LOT.. 3 years later, the girls that said crap to me of how ugly he was, were now telling me of how dumb I was to stop liking him, since he got a glow up. I was truly annoyed of them, bc they never understood the reality… He had a great personality but they treated him like trash until he got a glow up. Thru years, everything eventually faded bc I would get my phone taken away and he would have his own business happening but I still had him somewhere in my heart…. Years passed, and I once came across his account, he turned out to have a gf. I am happy and I hope he is happy with her. But it wasn’t what I was expecting tho. He moved back here for university and his mother who had business in this state lived with him in a small apartment. She was always busy and was barely at home. Since he had moved here, we weren’t talking now much… It was so different like he turned cold.. I didn’t want to go to the past esp when he got a gf….

Last month, I saw him at the café and I was shocked when he randomly came up to me and told me he would go back to the time we were in a relationship…. I thought it was a dare and then one of his friends came up for something so the convo changed real quick…. I was disappointed since I knew he had a gf…

One night, one of my friends called me over to help her out and she lived right by him. For some reason she needed to give something back to him and I had to help her with that. We ended up chatting until his phone rang and he said he had a date with his gf. His mother called and she insisted to make her a soup since she felt like she had a fever but he kinda got in a argument with her bc he would be running late… Me and my friend told him we could do it ourselves and he could go and run now. But for some reason his mood went blank and he seemed angry at something. He didn’t want our help but wasn’t letting us go, as I watched him prepare the soup I told him he wasn’t making it right! He messed up the whole recipe… I am an excellent cooker and I told him I could take care of it and my friend joined me too. At this point I was pulling the sauce pan at myself and he was pulling it at his own direction. He seemed to have a full grip and he was too angry to let go. At the end I decided to give up and let the man cook… I was too upset bc he just threw everything he could find in his fridge right into the soup. At the end, I took a spoon to try it as he bragged it tasted good and litterly 3 seconds later I was throwing up into the kitchen sink. It was the worst taste ever, and each time I think of that moment, my stomach feels ill…. He thought I was joking and tried it himself. 3 seconds later he was throwing up in the kitchen sink right by me. I told my friend t make ramen noodles for his mom bc she would come in 5 min and there was nothing on the table…. Now he wasn’t saying much esp after tasting his own meal lol… my friend left to her apartment for some ramen noodles since he didn’t have it and it was us alone…He apologized to me, and told me I could go home…. Later that evening, I found myself spammed with his messages on my snap…. It was so random, bc he would reply back real fast….. Turns out he cancelled the date since he felt bad, but after that he just never got off my dms…. He still texts me now, and tbh idk what to do…. I know I had hard feelings for him when I was younger but at this point, he tried asking me out a few times and I told him ill think about it, plus I was a bit busy with work but at the same time idk…. He has a gf… I need adviceeee….

i was suppose to post this last week but i was soooo busy… finally typed this all….

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