I feel like a rootless person who is always an outsider no matter where she goes. I am introverted and socially anxious to the point that I always act funny around people and make a series of faux pas. To make matters worse, I have an accent. I have always been a misfit and have a deep-seated fear of rejection to this day. Every time I move to a new place, I feel the urge to get a new number, start over, and lose contact with people from previous places. I have pretty much spent my entire life on the move and have become very avoidant as a result. I can't socialize and have no desire to, but I crave companionship so much that some days it really messes with my head. Because I could never make friends, I got into a lot of different things: Music, Painting, Languages, Technology, and Writing. Is there anyone out there who feels the same way and has had similar experiences?

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