At what point did you decide to give up alcohol and why? how has your life been since and do you ever miss it?

  1. When it felt like I didn’t have another choice. My relationship with my partner was crumbling after past transgressions came to light. My relationship with alcohol was obviously tenuous and a major trigger. I stopped entirely that day. Healing is not linear but it has certainly been a continued path of healing ever since. Sometimes I miss the ease it seems other folks experience being “able” to drink but I remember this is a privilege to have chosen this path.

  2. The deciding moment was living a childhood with a parent with addiction issues (not drugs/alcohol) and very soon realizing I have a strong addiction to alcohol. I didn’t think it “would happen to someone like me”, but my mother found her birth father, and discovered he literally drank himself to death. So that spooked me enough to decide to get sober. Parties are hard…I just try and have a soda with me at all times and it helps. I drink Fresca every day. The bubbly non alcoholic drinks help.

  3. When I found out I got pregnant I haven’t touched it even when it was a rough day. But the need to drink it every night slowly disappeared, I was glad because my family has a history of alcoholism.
    There has been days I would want a beer or something, dealing with a drunk/high boyfriend when you’re sober is not fun.

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