Last year I ended up in a situationship with a girl I’ve known for a long time and really liked, we got on really well shared everything and had a strong emotional connection in doing so. I initially held back on trying to make it official because we both had our own personal issues at the time and I felt it wasn’t fair on either of us so I was okay with waiting and focusing on ourselves. It then reached a point where she felt ready but she was just about to leave for a lengthy holiday and I didn’t want to make it offical until she got back for many reasons. When she got back I was more than ready to make it offical and I organised to see her but she then stood me up and I was left completely confused and hurt. This sparked a multitude of emotional reactions from both of us and the situationship started to fizzle out and i began to try force myself to move on.

In between this time I find out I’m moving away for work next year. Some months later We stumble into each other at a club and are with each other all night where we agree to catch up another time and talk things out. When we caught up we both admitted we had feelings but ultimately due to our personal issues our timings were off which is why it didn’t go further. And currently it couldn’t go further as I was moving away for work the next year and she let me know she didn’t want to do long distance which I was okay with. She ended the convo telling me to leave the door open for her in the future and saying since the situationship ended she looks for me in every other guy and if she can’t be with me she hopes to be with someone like me in the future which left me stumped to where I responded saying I’m not leaving the door open anymore, knowing damn well I still had feelings but I was trying to force myself to move on.

Fast forward to this year where she is now in a relationship with another guy and I’m about to move away for work in a month or so. We still talk and she wants to see me before I leave and I’m not sure what to do because I’m still left with lingering feelings and know that’s the person I want to be with but it doesn’t feel right saying that now that she’s probably happy with another guy. Part of me wants to be completely transparent and let out everything I’ve held back out in order to move on or move forward with her, but another part of me feels like I’m doing the wrong thing if I let everything out knowing she’s with someone else and I’m leaving anyway.

So I’m left here now wondering how should I approach this situation?

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