When I was 13, I dated a boy for 7 years, until I was 21 . We were in the same city (not living together) for 3 years and then long distance for 4 years. By the last year, I was in my 3rd year at university. We kinda grew apart, but mostly because we were comfortable with each other, so we wouldn't talk for days. In the last few months of our rs, I was thinking a lot about how I didn't love him anymore. But instead of communicating & breaking up, I did the most vile thing and cheated on him. And then we broke up. I still feel sick to my stomach that I would hurt someone like that. It was a terrible time – ofcourse for him – but for me, only bcs I was living with the negative emotional consequences of my actions. I vowed to never hurt someone like that again. I have been and I always will be faithful.

Fast forward. I'm 28F now. I met the sweetest man 28M. He recently told me he was cheated on by his gf of 10 years and they broke up a year ago.

I know I've changed and I would never cheat again ever again. My question is: Should I tell him about my past? We're still early in the dating phase so it's easy for us to not take anything further

TDLR; Should I tell someone who was cheated on in the past that I also cheated on someone in my past?

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