We have been dating for 3 years. Everything was perfect, we moved in together after year, we talk about the future, work on the house, go on dates often and most important of all he is kind and loving to my son.

Up until 7 months, I found him sexting someone on snap chat out of the blue. I never saw it coming. He never showed any signs that he was dissatisfied with our relationship. It was a disastrous blow out of crying and yelling between us and he was kicked out. After a couple weeks he convinced me to give him another chance.

He has since given me full access to his phone and location. Deleted snap chat completely(I deleted it myself with him there) and he’s never weird about me handling his phone. Im not proud of it but I’ve become good at dissecting a phone. When I seldom check, everything looks normal, including some xxx sites. Until 2 weeks ago when a red flag presented its self. Funny enough, no sleuthing needed.

With iPhones, there is a section that will basically predict what app you will chose when you open your phone based on the ones you frequent most. For the last 2 weeks the App Store has been the first suggestion. Highly unusual for him because I can name 8 apps that he uses daily that would all fill that section before ever suggesting the App Store.

I suspect he is redownloading, using and deleting apps he has used before prior to us dating. Unfortunately you cannot tell when an app has been redownloaded and deleted, just the original down load date. But why would he do this? I mean I have his location and we are always together. Is he just waiting for the perfect timing?

Yesterday I asked him about it as casually as I could asking “did you redownload Snapchat?” He said “No, what makes you ask that?” I explained the App Store phenomenon. He kinda just shrugged “idk” and gave me a kiss on the head before leaving to the store to get fireworks. To be fair, I kinda just brought it up in a abrupt “in passing” kinda way.

I can’t shake the suspicion and anxiety. I was uncontrollably distant all night and this morning. We havent spoken all day and he knows I’m angry. I just keep thinking about how I never see these things coming because he acts so totally normal. I think about the torment I felt the last time this happened. It’s enough for me to want to break up even if I don’t have any solid evidence. I’m a being paranoid or is my instinct right here?

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