This happened 2 days ago when while on a date, she told me that she needs more time to herself, 3 or 4 days a week, forever. I asked her if she was going through something but she sees this as a permanent thing. I asked her if in an ideal week, how many times would she like to hang out with me (keep in mind she has expressed her profound love for me) and she said that if she had a week where she was completely free, she would probably only want to hang out 3 hours a day, 3 or 4 days a week. This is coming after a period at the start of summer when we were free, where for two weeks she saw me every day, for multiple hours a days, constantly stating how much she missed me. But randomly about a week ago she completely stopped saying she missed me.

On top of this, she also expressed how much she hates FaceTime, this coming after we FaceTimed multiple times a week since we started dating. I’m not sure what to do, if she truly loved me wouldn’t she always want to spend time with me? She also states that these days she “needs to be completely away from everyone” but so far on these days, she’ll still hang out with her friends for a few hours, I expressed this to her and she ensured me these breaks days were for being away from everyone. I asked her if something I did caused this, and she said this was just a realization she had, that she was stretching herself too thin.

She also stated that she isn’t “growing tired of me” after I asked, and that she loves me a lot. I feel lonely and almost locked out of the relationship without the ability to express this to her cause it might be selfish. I feel lonely and distant from her, What do I do?

She has always had a lot of guy friends but they were all kinda odd and not very attractive so I didn’t worry about anything. I have the password to her phone, but people in other subs are also agreeing that she is probably cheating. Could this be true? Do I have anything to worry about?

Also for an update as I’m writing this, I just told her I missed her, she said she missed me a lot too, but today she was on one of these off days, despite hanging out with one of her girl friends in the morning. Am I being selfish?

I guess it would also be good to mention that in a forseen future where we are living together, she would just want to hang every evening, which I find more reasonable.

TL;DR; : My (18M) friends have convinced me that my girlfriend (18F) of 3 months is cheating on me. (We have been close for around a year).

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