Background story: We have been dating since we were both 17 (in high school). Our first three years, our sex life was very active and spicy. We used to have sex more than 10 times a week, she used to touch me frequently, and we used to talk about “freaky” things often.

6 years have started passing and things began to slow down, we started having less sex, less touching, less freaky. We only have sex about 2 times a month now. She doesnt even give me “head” or even touch me my private parts randomly. We can be both in bed, I am touching her ass or her coochie, and she rubs my stomach or thighs, but never touched my penis anymore.

My problem is that its from her part. I have always been a freaky person with a high sex drive. I am always touching her randomly, I randomly start licking her tits, and when we do have sex, I am always the one to start. But from her, ever since we hit the 6 year mark in our relationship, she doesnt have sex drive at all.

It has me very confused because we are happy with each other. We both love each other and we talk about these things. When I sit down with her to ask her if she still finds me attractive or if there is something wrong, she always tells me that she doesnt feel confident about her body or that she only feels horn* when she is ovulating. Now peeps, my girlfriend is an athlete. She has a beautiful body and she is beautiful. I remind her everyday how beautiful she is and that everything about her I love.

My question is, do you guys go through the same thing? If you did, how did it get fixed? What can be causing this?

I understand that in every relationship the first two years are in “the honeymoon” stage, so things are spicier and we are both learning new things from each other. But I am confused as I still want to make love to her “not every day” but frequently, and she never wants to or doesnt show interest anymore.


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