25M and 25F have been struggling with recurrent yeast infections that occur only after finishing inside since day 1! (F is on the pill). Despite trying various treatments for over a year, we haven’t found a solution. On top of that, for the majority of the year, F appeared to have a mild semen allergy that later magically disappeared.

We are very much in love and plan on marrying soon-ish, so please give this a small read:


25M and 25F in a monogamous relationship.

Both of us are STD/STI free (checked before the relationship, and during) and have NEVER had issues with previous partners.

F is on the combined birth control pill (3 mg drospirenone and 0.03 mg ethinylestradiol) and has been for 4 years.

We live together, eat the same foods, and have no food allergies.


Since STD/STI checks were clean, we started having sex without a condom, finishing inside, and loving it. 2-3 days later, both of us got a yeast infection. Symptoms for M were red spots on his penis; symptoms for F included unusual dryness, later on white discharge, and internal vaginal tract pain (like being torn apart).

After visiting doctors, we got treated for one week with fluconazole (oral pills for both and vaginal suppository for F) and abstained from sex for a few days. Tests showed only a yeast infection (Candida albicans). The infections resolved, but F had leftover dryness and “wound-like” pain, and M had leftover red spots and some swelling at the opening of the penis, which improved over time. The cycle repeated every time we tried finishing inside after that (always Candida albicans).

The issue was further complicated with episodes of bacterial vaginosis (E. coli) and Gardnerella Vaginalis, treated with antibiotics, which further imbalanced F’s vaginal flora. On top of that, agreeing (knowing the risk) on a doctor’s “experimental” treatment, we both were treated for ureaplasma or mycoplasma with a HUGE dose of antibiotics to eliminate the possibility of having it. (Apparently, ⅙ times the tests give a false negative for it – so in desperation we went for it just to be sure)

We both peed after sex and washed our genitals each time. Every time, the yeast infection first appears on F, and then gets passed on to M (during sex, shortly after).

Cherry on top (Allergy)

One night (5 months in), M noticed redness on F’s face where semen had dried.

After some manual bedroom tests (putting semen on skin) and watching it become red underneath within 5 minutes, the only reasonable conclusion was that this was a sign of semen allergy. We did a bit of googling, and it turns out that it's indeed a thing. We visited an allergy doctor, did some panels for F there, too. Nothing tested positive regarding semen or prostate fluids, but it now was the primary suspect for us, but completely disregarded by the gynos. The allergy doctor said that we could try some desensitization therapy, but only if we want to have kids. He has worked with patients with anaphylactic shock but our case is not serious and not confirmed, after all. He noted that immune response may get better with continuous contact (go away) or worse – it's unpredictable.

Then we tried finishing inside again with F on antihistamines, but yeast infections still occurred.

Back to the main issue

After mutual decision, we decided that for our well-being, it would be better to abstain from finishing inside until we gather more evidence, because until now, we did not have any period of 1-2 months of sex without trying this and getting a yeast infection. We wanted to verify if just skin-to-skin contact was the issue, as it's common for women when adapting to a new partner (it turns out it was not the issue, read on).

For the past 6 months, we've not tried finishing inside, just pulling out. During this period, vaginal health improved. Also, sometimes, we travel for work (inside the EU) so for a few weeks to a month we might not see each other. This has helped the recovery efforts, due to not having sex. The usual side effects associated with yeast infection recovery, such as dryness, pain, and discomfort, have lessened. Wetness levels are more and more normal, and the vagina stretches more easily, almost returning to a "normal" state. M also noticed the persistent redness on his penis and swelling has greatly been reduced.

On top of those, the alleged allergy situation seems to have disappeared, with (accidental) semen contact with the eye causing a bit of pain and discomfort (that is a bit normal anyway?).

Experimental attempt

This week, we tried something different because we really wanted to investigate the feasibility of finishing inside again. This motivated us to post this, asking for advice. Instead of a full finish inside, we tried re-inserting the penis with just a few drops of semen left on the tip (like a desensitization trial). We did that three times in a span of a week. Unfortunately, after a few days, F noticed the typical dryness, weird discharge, and we're on the yeast infection train again. However, symptoms were milder compared to other times.

Doctor Opinions & Advice

F has tried three different gynos (+1 while traveling), M has tried two different andros, plus our family GPs.

Note from lab tests: M's sperm pH is close to 8 (7.9x) with 7-8 being the normal range indicated.

F Doc #1, also M Doc #2: It's nothing to worry about, you should just get the pills and use a condom. It might take up to 6 months to fully heal the vagina. Sperm can absolutely not cause yeast infections.

M Doc #2: Allergy possible, sure. Try abstaining from sex for a longer period (say 3-4 weeks), and let's test you again after. Also performed some prostate blood work and ultrasound. Everything came back normal.

GP (F): I also had this issue, try using boric acid. However, I am not sure of the quality of the treatment because I got pregnant afterward and all changed. (We are not trying to have kids)

F Doc #2: The pH of sperm affects the microbiome of the vagina, so throwing the pH off might be an issue here. Since this is a recurring issue (we have visited this doctor 3-4 times? I have lost count), let's do more extensive lab tests (all negative). Sperm can absolutely NOT cause yeast infections. (But maybe indirectly it can?) Doc’s theory: another microorganism is at fault and yeast infections are a side/secondary effect → Did PCR test (super sensitive method) for everything STI/STD available → all clean (also nothing indicating cancer, no reason to have vaginal atrophy (although the symptoms resemble that a bit).

Considered putting us both on “chronic yeast infection treatment”: 1 fluconazole pill for a week, for 3 months, and 1 fluconazole pill per month, for 3 more months. But we've now proved it's not a chronic condition (6 months no finishing inside = no yeast infection). Not in any case use boric acid as it's a very strong med used to sterilize and kill everything down there (useful + non-useful parts).

F Doc #3: You need to come off the pill for 8-10 months to let your reproductive system reset, 100% certain that it will fix the "majority" of issues.

Also, this is what happens when you don't use condoms. (Ignores the allergy part completely) Sperm can absolutely not cause yeast infections.

We've tried everything we could so far, but ran out of ideas and feel like we’ve hit a dead end?

F has also tried including daily yogurt or lactobacilli supplements, zinc and vitamin C supplements, vaginal wash kits before and after intercourse (some doctors demonize washes – others suggest them – F eventually gave them up), leave-in vaginal nighttime gels, etc. – doctors’ advice.

We’ve also tried different lubes – all water-based (without glycerin seem to be the best – still not sure if it has an actual impact).

All relevant posts related to yeast infections are related to the classic “getting used to a new partner,” but that's not it for us :,)

Thank you for reaching this far 🙂 We're eagerly waiting to listen to your thoughts on the matter.

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