When I think back to when I was 18, 21, 30, 38, and now in my 40s, I am a very different person in each age group. And the partners I chose at the time were a representation of what I was seeking at that particular time.

The person I dated in college was fun but eventually we realized we had different priorities in life so we split. The next serious relationship which lasted 5 years ended up the same way.

Now I'm married for 5 years and I am starting to wonder if my wife and I will be compatible long term. There have already been some differences I've noticed that I didn't notice at first and I think it's because both of us have changed since we met.

When I compare marriage to other things in life like houses, cars, friends, jobs, you almost never have the same one throughout your entire life, so how can it be possible to have one partner for your entire adult life?

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