This last weekend we had my fiancées family visit and it was an overall disaster. I have known her family since 2015. We recently bought a house and had an old college roommate move in to help out since we have spare bedrooms.

My fiancée and her sister had a small argument over her sisters behavior. They made up and I assumed everything was fine (I was in the bathroom during the argument). With everything settled, we planned to go to dinner. My roommate and I drove her grandparents and my fiancée drove with the remainder of the family. We split like this because we are the only two who know the parking lot (my fiancée and i). When Her grandma was silent the entire drive. When we arrived to dinner, her grandma started glaring at all of us. She eventually refused to order and went to sit outside the restaurant. We assumed she wasn’t feeling well and went back to the hotel or was still upset about the argument. The following day, she refused to come to a family dinner I was preparing for all week. We figured she was still upset. We were annoyed by the rudeness and blatant disregard for all the work we put in, but we still had fun. She ended up staying at the hotel the remainder of the trip. The rest of her family continued to visit with us and the trip ended on a happy note.

The next day, I noticed that her grandma blocked my entire family on Facebook. We spoke to my future MIL and got the “real story”. Apparently on the way to dinner, her grandma thought that our roommate and I are “getting too friendly“. She is somehow convinced that I’m going to leave my fiancée for our roommate, steal our house, and have my family help. My fiancée was shocked to the point of being speechless. When she was sitting outside the restaurant, she was near storming back in and accusing us in front of the entire restaurant. She has not spoken to us since and is apparently acting like everything us normal now that she’s home. My fiancées family have all been apologizing and assuring us that none of them them that is what’s happening.

I guess what really upsets me is the lack of care for the planning I put into the dinner and that she thinks that lowly of me. I’ve never done anything to suggest those are my intentions and have been nothing but excellent to her granddaughter.

What also upsets me is my grandma was so excited to see her grandma. My grandma is not doing well health wise and we don’t know now much longer she’ll be around. The disappointment in my grandmas face hurt me knowing she wouldn’t be able to visit with somebody she hasn’t seen in years.

My fiancée and i have talked and do not believe we’ve done anything wrong. We’re currently holding her wedding invitation (I still really care for her other family members) until we get some kind of apology. If it were up to me, I’d cut all ties but am willing to get over that for a day if my fiancée really wants her grandmother there. She’s never been anything but kind to me, so this sudden shift is shocking.

TL;DR Fiancees grandma said I’m cheating on their granddaughter with no evidence

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