on a “ dating app “ i met this one dude, he was the best dude ive ever met and we immediately started dating. But after not even a week he stopped responding to my texts but i was fine with that since i didnt know what’s happening. well his snap score went up so i patiently waited for a response that i never got, then he blocked me without any explanation. Asked him about it on the app we met on? blocked. Created multiple new accounts? blocked. And when i created another one and searched his name, his account is gone and probably deleted. I dont have any other media to contact him on. What do i do? I really need to talk to him, its been only a few hours and i feel like breaking down

  1. He doesn’t want to talk to you. He’s not interested. You’re becoming a stalker. Leave him alone.

  2. One week is hard to let go of. I was married for a week and she never healed from the divorce at two weeks.

    Poor thing lives in a giant cardboard box down by the freeway underpass. I know things get tough, but you can always hire a private investigator to hunt him down.

  3. Rejection is difficult but it is part of life. Learn to accept rejection gracefully.

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