I have never attended one and don't have any close friends/young relatives so don't expect an invitation anytime soon.

Saw a post on here, and I was just curious how common is this?

  1. There was a really busy time with weddings in my late 20s and early 30s. By now most friends have married or decided not to.

    Now the season of funerals and divorces is starting

  2. I’ve worked at probably 50-100 weddings but only actually been a guest at two. My Brother and my Uncle. I stopped having many friends in my early 20s and now a few weeks from 31 I don’t see that changing.

  3. They are such a PITA in my opinion…

    Weddings are a death knell for friendships…I have 3 friends that I was in weddings for…have not spoken to 2 of them since. That was like 15 years ago. I had a 4th one that I was asked to be in and declined…there are better ways to blow a thousand bucks…like actually buying blow I guess.

  4. I feel like it depends on where you live, how many times you’ve moved throughout your life, and how many relatives you have.

    For example: I’m from the midwest in the US, still live in the state I grew up in, and have about 50 first cousins on my dad’s side alone. Those 3 things mean that myself, and basically everyone I know personally, have gone to many weddings.

    But let’s say your parents are immigrants from India, both are only-child’s in their respective families, and you now live in New York City. It wouldn’t be weird at all if you or people you know haven’t been to a wedding before.

  5. It depends on your social circle, the size of your extended family, their ages, and if any of those people would invite you. I’ve been to 3-5 weddings a year for the past 3 years, the most was probably 8 in 2019. As an adult maybe 40-50 weddings in 18 years? I’ve been best man four times. I’m 36 and my own wedding will be the third I’ve been to this year. I know I’m unusual but most people have been to a few by age 30.

  6. They’re alright if you don’t have to fly there and you aren’t in the wedding party. Being a groomsman is expensive, unfortunately. Money for bachelor party travel, more money to get to the wedding, to buy a cheap crappy matching suit you’ll never wear again. I’ve been a groomsman at a big wedding once. I am sure that by the time I was through with everything, I was out $2,000. And being involved in the process makes it a little stressful on top of everything. I don’t regret doing it for my friend, but it kinda sucked and I’m glad that the likely next wedding in my friend group will be smaller with less bullshit.

    If it’s local and you just have to come up with a $100 gift, then it’s not so bad. Can be a lot of fun, actually, if the booze is flowing freely and a lot of people you like are there.

  7. It goes through phases.

    Once, as a kid you get dragged to for relatives that are in their 20s-30s.

    Second, for friends and siblings when you’re in your 20s-30s.

    Third, as an older adult going to weddings for your own kids, nieces/nephews, grandkids etc.

    Most of them are pretty formulaic and contrived.

  8. Haven’t been to a wedding in awhile. I was the best man in a couple of weddings and attended some others. This was 20 years or so ago when my friends and I were in our 20s though. It’s probably been 15 years or so since I’ve been to a wedding.

  9. I didn’t get invited to too many weddings

    People seem to love me, until I leave the room and then they forget about me. 🤷🏼 It’s odd, and I rarely seem to make the cut.

    But tbf, a lot of people have been cutting down the size of the weddings for decades.

  10. Very common in your 20’s. In 1 4 week stretch summer after graduating college we hit 4 weddings, one of them my own.

  11. None of my friends are doing formal wedding anymore. We did. I think I’ve been to two weddings, and both were family years ago.

  12. Anytime I was single, I got invited to zero weddings.

    Anytime I was with a girlfriend, I went to several per year.

    I always felt like they didn’t like to have any single guys at their weddings, it was almost always couples, I don’t miss those Millennial cookie cutter weddings.

  13. I don’t know anybody who hasn’t attended a lot of weddings, and I know a lot of people. A lot.

  14. Too common. Ugh lol. Actually it’s better not in the wedding party. But still thousand dollar night all said and done

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