Hey, this is my first post. I don’t know how to redact it really. Feel free to ask questions to complete the information. I (22F) have a “gf” (21F). She just told me we’re girlfriends and I just kinda went with it. This happened around April-may. In that moment I was looking for houses because I had to move (long story). She then told me she was going to move with me and that she would help me through the process. She never asked if I wanted to btw. I have a big dog and 3 cats. She then was staying at my old house while I was working and going to college. I knew that she was sad that’s why I never pushed so much about doing things around the house. Problems started when I didn’t set boundaries or expectations. A kitten came to the house and I told her to take her out because I already have more than I can handle. Well she decided to adopt it. Okay, whatever. Soon the cat starts pooping in places and she doesn’t pick it up. I told her to get a little box. We do it together. Btw my cats are trained and don’t poop in random places. Well, the litter box is not clean, house smells like shit. I get home at night to the smell of shit. Once I came home from work to do hw and study and she makes some mc and cheese. She doesn’t clean the kitchen. She doesn’t do much in the house really, more than sweep the floor couple times a week. I’m tired of this. I don’t know how to talk to her. So the remaining mc and cheese was there for a week and got maggots. I had to clean it. Did I mention she’s not currently working? Anyway, the moving days she only did stuff when I was doing stuff. If I sit to study or do hw, she would sit and watch TikTok next to me. We moved. I had to struggle to get the moving money for deposits, moving company and so on. I gotta say that I was starting to be bitter with her and she wondered why. I know I should communicate more but gosh, I have so much in my plate idk what to do. We finished moving on Sunday. She did the bare minimum. I may not want to live with her. I feel like I have too much on my plate and that she’s an extra responsibility. I’m not doing great at work. I stopped having sexual desires for her as well. This week I have midterms and I’ve tried to study. She has barely lift a finger in the house. I feel at loss.

My stress levels are through the roof, anxiety is crazy, my heart doesn’t stop beating fast. Sometimes I feel paralyzed.

Also I have to say I’ve been escaping some nights at a friends just to avoid her. And one of my cats hates the kittens. Also, I’m struggling with money.

What do I do? How do I talk to her? What do I tell her?

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