
My ex (also a family friend) and I broke up mutually more than 3 years ago, it was only a 1 month relationship with no bad blood. Long story short, I didn’t expect him to keep in contact with me, but he did and in hindsight I shouldn’t have replied to him all those times. He did some toxic and hurtful stuff to me, but I’ve always maintained we should stay as friends so I didn’t get where all the toxicity came from.

Fast forward to now, he comes back this year and does his usual thing with me. This time, I trusted my guts that he wasn’t being honest about his “friendly” intentions with me, so I removed him from every social media platform. It’s been a month now, and I still see that he checks my account weekly even though I made him unfollow me. This doesn’t bother me but I was wondering if this is hindering him from properly moving on. Should I block him or leave him be or how should I proceed? Thanks for any help!

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