My mom is angry that I won't give her the money to buy my sister a car, even though I currently have a very good reason not to.

There's a… situation going on with inheritance issues on my father's side (my parents are seperated and he's a major douche, so no money help there) that will have me taking out a loan for at LEAST $100k within the next 2-5 months. It would be worth it because it would end with me getting a house roughly priced around $350k albeit one that needs some serious TLC. I'm currently talking with a banker guy my coworker is best friends with to get the details on what I should and shouldn't be doing in preperation for that. He let me know that the banks look at larger withdrawls in the past few months and that it could hurt my chances. Not sure how true that is, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Originally I thought I'd be able to contribute about half, because she first was asking for $2000 and my sister let me know she had about $1000 saved up but then my mom suddenly needs all $5000 from me and when I brought up the money my sister has, all my mom says is that that is her 'gas money'.

I feel like I'm in a bad situation right now with the timing and stress of everything, especially when in a recent loud conversation between my mother and I, she pointed out that I had help getting my car and that I was living rent free with her and her husband. First off, I helped pay for my car and second off, we had an agreement where as long as I was working or in college, I wouldn't have to pay rent. We have never had a conversation about that arrangement changing. Given the option between being able to get a house worth what it is for that price or a car for my sister (who, btw, hasn't even taken her driving test yet) I want to be cautious and wait until after I've taken out the loan to even think about helping, but my mom is acting like I'm crazy for not just giving her the money. I feel like it's unfair that she's just expecting me, by myself, to pay for my sister to get a car. My mom said she's be able to get $3000 by the end of the month for me, but why not just wait until the end of the month to start looking for cars for my sister?

Should I just give my mom the money and hope that everything works out in the end? Or do I tell her that I can't help her? If this whole inheritance thing wasn't happening, I'd give her the money in a heartbeat but I really don't want to risk it.

TL;DR- Mom's pissed I won't give her money after changing the amount and I don't want to give that large of an amount in case it hurt's my chances taking out a loan

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