hey , I'm going through a tough breakup and could really use some advice. Two months ago, I met someone who seemed perfect – loving, smart, and we clicked instantly. However, things took a sudden turn when she ended things, mentioning feeling suffocated and needing space to focus on herself.

What's confusing is how quickly she moved on. Shortly after our breakup, I found out she's already seeing someone new. This left me feeling hurt and questioning everything.

She's shared with me that she has issues stemming from her relationship with her father, which makes me wonder if that played a role in our breakup and her quick rebound. I'm torn between reaching out to talk things through, making her aware of how I feel, and suggesting she seeks help dealing with her past trauma, or letting go and focusing on my own healing.

Should I text her and express my thoughts, considering her situation, or is it better to let go and focus on my own healing? Any advice or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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